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Nelson Bros Reserve Bourbon 750 ml

Nelson Bros Reserve Bourbon 750 ml

Regular price $52.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $52.99 USD
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The process begins with selecting the choicest lots of well-aged bourbon barrels in the Nelson’s Green Brier Distillery inventory. These barrels would craft the ideal foundation of flavor and fragrance to forge this truly premium and balanced expression. Once singled out, the exceptional sources are expertly batched into a superior, high-proof blend, rich with rye, and redolent of dark cherry, caramel, and spice. The result is Nelson Brothers Reserve, a bourbon certain to startle and delight anyone who comes within sipping distance.

Caramel, allspice, cherry, hazelnut

Earthy, cocoa, allspice, cherry cobbler

Cherry, maple syrup, sweet mint, cinnamon roll

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